Thursday, 19 September 2013

#19 of 30

"Little White Pumpkins" - 6" X 8" - Oil on Panel

So, I've had this photo of these little white pumpkins sitting around for a couple of years.  I never painted it because it had a very cluttered background, so today I thought I would go for it and just simplify the background.  Well . . . . . that was a challenge!  Originally the image had picture frames in the background but when I started putting them in they just didn't look right.  So, I've tried about half a dozen different backgrounds and foregrounds until I settled on this combination.  Still not thrilled with it, but there you go. . . . my 19th painting and I'm on schedule.  :)


  1. I think your pumpkins are beautiful! Love the way you painted the whites :)

    1. Thank you Tammy! Whites are always so interesting to paint. I found these had quite a greenish cast to them and a bit of the red reflecting in them from the tabletop.
