Monday, 7 October 2013

After the Challenge. . .

Half & Half - 8" x 10" - Oil on Canvas

I can't believe that it is already a whole week since the challenged finished.  I definitely needed a break and so did my studio.  It was an absolute disaster with panels, canvases and paints everywhere.  I'm usually pretty tidy and clean up after myself when I'm finished painting, but I found that the challenge really was a challenge.  Just carving out a few hours a day to paint was a challenge, let alone having to clean up after myself!

But, I was determined that after putting all of that effort into painting everyday, I was not going to go a whole week without pickingup the brush.  Artichokes have always intrigued me.  Apart from the fact that they taste yummy, they are so pretty inside.  I love the colours and the way the leaves wind around the choke.   Very fun to paint and it satisfies the Colour Pig in me!!  So here is my offering for this week and I already have plans for this week's painting!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

All Thirty of Them!

"September 30 in 30"
Thank you for organizing the challenge Leslie Saeta  and also for telling us how to make a collage with "Picmonkey".  Here is my collage with all thirty paintings.  Some of them are slightly truncated because they are not square, but that's okay.  

So, it's over!  It felt mildly strange not to be planning what I was going to paint today.  Instead I took a long walk in the beautiful sunshine, then came home and cleaned my studio up!  Oh my. . . .there were things everywhere.  Normally I would have taken time to clean up as I went, but some days it was tough finding the time to paint and then there were the days that I didn't paint and had to do two the next day to make up for it.  I'm really looking forward to the next challenge.  Perhaps January?  I only decided to do this a couple of days before the start so didn't have a lot of time to get prepared, but I now know better for the next one and WILL prepare.